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Visit Duluth wanted more than a Street View tour for the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center 360 shoot. With this in mind we created a custom VR-ready virtual tour built to their needs.


We needed to accomplish a few goals: communicate where key halls, rooms and skywalks are located (menus, map and navigation arrows), provide details to potential conventioneers (Informational Hotspots) and demonstrate how to get from the DECC to downtown and Canal Park hotels.





The tour leverages 360 photography of Canal Park that we captured for a summer-oriented 360 virtual tour. But first we featured 360s from our initial Winter in 360 tour. This allowed us to launch the DECC Virtual Tour immediately and then change out imagery when we came back to capture a sun and tourist-filled Canal Park.


The beauty of our custom 360 tours is that we can build upon or easily switch out 360 photography, Informational Hotspots, maps and menu items. The tours grow and adapt to your needs.


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