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Explore Minnesota set a tight deadline and we delivered Street View 360 photography before the stadium had seen a Vikings game. What makes this tour unique beyond the shear scope of the NFL stadium is the many repeating lines: on the field, the giant glass doors and the one-of-a-kind translucent ETFE roof and all of its shadows.
This required us to patiently stitch each US Bank Stadium 360 and look for points where stitching errors could crop up. The result is a tour that delights in the stadiums giant proportions and subtle lighting.
More about the roof form WIRED: "If you've ever been to Minnesota, you'll know that snow is a very big deal. The Vikings' old home, the Metrodome, collapsed under the weight of accumulated snow from a storm in 2010. The ETFE roof was specifically designed to dispatch snow efficiently. Its outer ETFE foil is printed with a silver ink to create a glaze that deflects sunlight and melts snow. The pitch on the roof is also sharp, matching the Northern European strategy of encouraging snow to slide off."
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